adult North Country Cheviot white sheep facing the camera.

Islandia Farm

North Country Cheviot.

Islandia Farm believes in making the extra commitment to provide food using organic principals. Our production practices are strictly organic with absolutely no use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers or genetically modified plants. Instead we rely on things like compost, crop rotation and cover crops to keep our land and crops healthy and productive. Our sheep and chickens range free and are fed an organically grown grain, also free of pesticides and herbicides. Our vegetables and hay are grown organically.

We sell fleeces from North Country Cheviot sheep, frozen lamb, eggs, hay and blueberries. Our farm stand is at 1725 Peterson Road, Gabriola Island.

Islandia Farm
owner: Russell Hollingsworth

Contact: Arabella Campbell –

1725 Peterson Road
Gabriola Island, BC, V0R 1X7

last updated: February 2025