Parry Bay Sheep Farm

Parry Bay Sheep Farm is a mixed farm that has been operating for more than 40 years in the Metchosin area. We lease pastureland throughout the region, so our sheep can be seen grazing in the Highlands, on the Saanich Peninsula and in View Royal. We provide pasture-based lamb year-round to many fine butcher shops and restaurants in Victoria.  Our flock of East-Friesian/Finnish Landrace cross sheep is also known as a source of fine quality hand spinners’ fleeces. We select the fleeces we save for hand spinners for softness, staple length and strength and crimp of fibre. Some photos of the farm and shearing can be seen on our Facebook page. Our farm store is open on Saturdays from noon until 3:00 (4335 Lindholm Rd. in Metchosin) and fleeces are available at the store until we run out of them at the end of the season. For more information, please email Lorraine at

last updated: Jan 2024