Region Comox Valley to North Island

Plants Are Teachers

hand holding base of a handwoven basket made of scotch broom against a blurred green background

Juliana Bedoya is a community-engaged environmental artist who supports individuals and community groups to establish their own cultural significance through skill sharing, including all stages of ethically harvesting and processing raw plant materials for art-making and environmental art practice. Respectfully…

Vancouver Island Wool Pellets

My name is Claire, a fifth generation farmer. My family and I run a century farm in the beautiful Comox Valley, on Vancouver Island. We produce healthy, sustainable food for our local and surrounding communities. We strive to keep our…

Small Bird Workshop

The Small Bird Workshop specializes in yarn and fibre that tell a story. From sheep to fleece to mill, we strive to know the sheep and people behind our yarns and fibre, and to share that journey wit you! From…

Rainbow Fibres

alpacas in a field

I have bred and cross bred and raised sheep, goats and alpacas for my own use for 42 years. I only spin the best and feel my wool producers are top of the line. My Corriedale will rival any Merino.…

Mountain View Icelandics

Icelandic sheep raised for fibre. Raw fleeces available. Comox Valley. Mountain View IcelandicsAnne EverettMerville, last updated: November 2023

Guthrie Farm

I have been raising sheep since we arrived on the farm 28 years ago.  I acquired a flock of Shetland sheep in 2017, and just love them…..they are beautiful;  their fleeces are exquisite so I am raising them for fleece…

Francis O Vineyard

I became a shepherd because of Scottish Broom. Only two animals eat baby broom: sheep and goats. Every goat I’ve met has horns, so sheep is what I bought. Lamb is delicious, another plus. I had no background in farming…